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3 Most Simple & Effective Ways to Overcome Stress and Depression and How You Can Start Now

What stress and depression look like

Let’s face it… we all know someone in our lives that struggle with stress and depression at least once in their life. You may be facing them as I write this article and I’m here to tell you that it’s okay. These two issues are usually associated with low self-esteem and negative thinking patterns. These are two things that we face every day, every month, every year, and throughout our lifetime. Personally, I do not claim these two things as an illness or a disease, just as an obstacle that we must deal with over the course of our lifetime. It’s important to note that: “not all stress is bad stress.”

1. Exercise

There are two forms of stress: acute stress and chronic stress. Acute stress is a form of short-term stress that does not harm us as much. This stress can come up during situations such as: presenting a project in front of a class, having a meeting with your boss, going on a first date with someone you just met, etc. These are normal situations that everyone goes through numerous times and generally what happens is that our cardiovascular system fires up. Our heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, hands start shaking, and our body starts sweating. This does not do anything really bad to us, but if you use negative coping techniques like smoking or drinking to get rid of your stress, it will affect your immune system. Chronic stress, a form of long-term stress, affects your immune system, which makes you more prone to illnesses like depression and anxiety. This kind of stress can come in the form of losing a loved one, lost a job, financial issues, etc. There are many ways to deal with stress and depression, but here is the three that I think are most effective to try out on a consistent basis.

Exercising regularly can have a positive impact on your life as it alleviates stress, helps you sleep better and decreases the risk of depression, anxiety, and other health concerns. The good thing about exercise is that it improves your physical health as well as your mental health. If you see overall changes in your physique, maybe you gain more muscle, lose some weight, or feel better on your feet, then you are going to keep doing it. That creates a healthy lifestyle and promotes self-discipline, which I mentioned in a previous article.

I am not saying that you need to train to be a professional weightlifter or a fitness fanatic, but it is good to go outside and get some fresh air if you’re noticing that something does not feel right. Go out and take a walk for a few minutes to clear your head. You can take your phone with you and listen to music that calms you down. Dancing? Walking? Running? Lifting? Sports? Gymnastics? Which one do you enjoy doing? Whatever works for you is what you should do. 

2. Journaling

Are you the kind of person that loves writing? Well this one is perfect for you. Journaling is great to do as it allows you to track the moments of your day where you were not feeling okay and what moments you felt okay. There are many ways that you can journal such as making charts that track your negative thoughts, writing the exact moments when you feel depressed or stressed, and moments where you are grateful for things in your life. Personally, I believe that these three ways should be used together and not separately.

Tracking negative thoughts is a simple thing to do and can come in two forms. For instance, you can write down every time where you are thinking negatively, so you can count all of the times where it occurred. Then, you can count how many times you thought negatively, and aim to have one less thought per day until there is little to none left. There will be some exceptions of course, but for the most part you will see positive changes in your life.  Another way you can do this is by making a chart with two columns. The left column would include your negative thoughts throughout the day and the right column would include a positive take on your thought. Here’s some examples of what I am talking about:

Negative Thoughts Alternate Thoughts
“I’ll never make any friends, I’m such a loser” “I haven’t made any friends yet, but it’s bound to happen.”
“Why can’t I do anything right, ugh” “That’s not true! I made a mistake and that’s okay. I’ve done things that I’m proud of”
“No one ever talks to me. All I do is be alone in misery.” “Being alone doesn’t mean I have to be miserable. I can enjoy being with myself”
“There’s something seriously wrong with me!” “There’s nothing wrong with me. I just not feeling well right now, but things will get better!”

Making a journal of gratitude is a great way to overcome stress and depression. Writing about what you’re grateful for will allow you to appreciate everything that you currently have. You might be surprised and find something’s that you never thought about as grateful. This also allows you to see everything that you take for granted, so you can appreciate them more and maintain it. I bet you could list at least 10 things that you’re grateful for each day, no matter how bad life might be right now. Smartphone? Shelter? Food? Water? Friends? Family? Education? Entertainment? Music? Blog? See, that was 10 things right there and it only took me about a minute to think about it. It is something quick and easy to create, it’s just up to you to start one for yourself.

3. Meditation

The ultimate place for peace, tranquility, and relaxation. No matter how angry or frustrated you feel, meditation can help you feel better and calmer. Meditation will not make your negative thoughts, or your stressful situation go away, but they will allow you to accept those things better. They will not bother you as much because you allowed them to enter your mind in a relaxed state. A good way to practice meditation is through headspace. Headspace is a meditation and mindfulness app where you can meditate in different time intervals.

3 minutes? 5 minutes? 10 minutes? No matter how long you have, it is a great way to start your day. You will have to pay to upgrade your account, but they have plenty of free options that will do wonders for you. Feel motivated to meditate? Start now by downloading the headspace app and try it yourself. What’s the worst thing that can happen if you take 3 minutes away from your morning to improve your mental health? Nothing really, everything is positive and impactful to your life. Look at all of the successful people you see on YouTube or on the internet. Most of those people start their day with exercising and meditation.

Which one of these ideas do you think you will implement today? I hope these things help you improve your mental health and get you in the right direction to create a better life. Self-improvement is the best cure for mental health in my opinion and these three methods will help you get where you want to be.

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